no offense but RE, flux and PLC only work against noobs or people currently masturbating thus not able to move. tanks are too mobile, even without the bugged militia item giving way to high speed boost.
beside that, RE are currently bugged in FW, on many occasions it counts as FF where it shouldnt, all you will get a is a kick from FW.
Takahiro Kashuken wrote:
TBH let AV figure it out for once
Pilots always know how to kill a vehicle with AV and can do it on a whim, AV on the otherhand instead cry for nerfs to vehicles instead of adapting
cool story bro.
actually vehicle pilots cried because they cant solo squads on their own, the average tank driver wants to other require huge amounts of effort to kill them. all those QQ posts do me a big favor and highlight all the bad tank drivers for me. the only problem pre patch was that you could skill up into AV in a week, tanks took huge amount of SP to make them shine. pre patch tanks with max SP and proper fit could sustain fire from a single person for 20 to 30 seconds, depending on the amount of damage mods used. math was posted several times MONTHS ago, only CoD kids bothered to post with some troll answers. I wonder, what the tank driver whining about his survivability did in this 20 seconds? masturbating again? pro tip: get laid and your problems are solved.
now vehicles got overbuffed. they are twice as tough (I pretty much warned everyone prepatch but I guess doing some math was too hard with the announced changes) very fast and to round it up AV got nerfed additionally. giving tanks 20k+ehp and rocket propulsion was not enough, right? you can be sure that CCP will sooner or later realize the mistake and swing the nerf hammer again. I will just watch and again collect all the tears from the bad players
anyway as long as a vehicle can be piloted by one person a single person should be able to atleast scare it away or you generate an artificial advantage to having more fictive players on one side than the other, this is not balance at all and as long as people do not understand this, do not bother to post as you already shown that you have no crediblity. the matches currently speak a clear language, HAVs everywhere for a reason, you cant even call a LAV because vehicle limit for the team is reached.